Gas Test Atmospheres MSMWHS217

​This Nationally Accredited Gas Test Atmospheres training gives participants the required knowledge on exactly why using a gas detector is an important tool in a confined space. Hazardous atmospheres of toxic or flammable gas can cause serious injury or death. We are one of the few providers in South Australia that offer this as a standalone course.

Some course content:

  • How to test a confined space prior to entry
  • Monitoring requirements 
  • Hydrogen Sulphide dangers 
  • Carbon dioxide dangers
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Site emergency response to alarm

We have experience training with many detectors including Drager and MSA. Specialised across industries such as ASC, SANTOS, APA group and many others.​​​

Gas Test Atmospheres – MSMWHS217 Participants that successfully undertake training and assessment receive their statement of attainment via email in a PDF format. A hard copy (if requested) and wallet size laminated card will be posted shortly after.

Course duration/Location:
Approximately 3 hours. Trafford St Angle Park (full detail in course email).